In the beginning…

I’ve been starting and stopping with blogging for the past few years – I felt like I couldn’t dedicate time to do every day, but then I realised I did really want others to learn from my experiences (positive or negative) and to share my stories along the way. So I will start with a post I wrote a while ago, as the post still applies to my life now and how I’ve felt previously.

I decided the travel the world when I was 18. I always knew there was more to life than living in Merseyside, U.K. Once I worked out I wanted to travel the world, the next step was where, who with and when. It look a long year to decide with my other half whether he was going to come with me or stay behind in Liverpool and wait for me. He thought Liverpool was the be all end all, and we were going to live in Liverpool with our stable jobs, stable income and grow old together there. But that wasn’t the plan for me. I wanted to travel the world, engage in different cultures, meet new people, sky dive out of a plane onto a sandy beach, climb mountains I couldn’t in England, eat from back ally street stalls, live out of my backpack and see the sights and not just read about them in books. I wanted a life I wouldn’t regret and enjoy every minute of it and more.

So he decided to join me in the end and see this life I wanted for us both. We decided on Australia and we were leaving Liverpool on January 15th 2013, on a one way ticket….

 In May 2012, I got in touch with a company in Liverpool called Smaller Earth. Smaller Earth is a job style agency who helps young backpackers get jobs abroad. So after lots of meetings and talks with one of the reps from Smaller Earth we booked ourselves onto a course which would take place in outback Australia. The course would train us in cattle station work, training wild horses/ponies, how to ride  horses competently, ride quad bikes, motorbikes and tractors and other general farm duties. By working on a farm/ranch/cattle station in Australia for three months, you are eligible for an extra year on your visa. So hence why we took this opportunity to do such a life changing experience. Its not for the faint hearted and I have no idea whatsoever why I thought this course would be a good idea. But this was all part of my great Australian journey and I had to ride it out.

After realising I wasn’t cut out for the farm work we left for the city, Brisbane and the next part of my Great Australian Journey started…

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